Harness Accessibility

Committed to making our platform accessible to everyone, drawing inspiration from Universal Design.

Our Accessibility Philosophy

At Harness, we are committed to making our platform accessible to everyone, drawing inspiration from Universal Design. Universal Design is a philosophy that aims to create inclusive products and systems, regardless of abilities or disabilities, ensuring equal access and opportunity for all.

While we are still early in our accessibility journey, we are dedicated to achieving this goal through the following areas:

At Harness, we are committed to making our platform accessible to everyone, drawing inspiration from Universal Design. Universal Design is a philosophy that aims to create inclusive products and systems, regardless of abilities or disabilities, ensuring equal access and opportunity for all.

Making all modules & features accessible

We strive to make every Harness module and feature easy to access and use for everyone.

Accessibility at the core of the business

We prioritize accessibility at the heart of our business, ensuring it is an integral part of our values and operations.

Embracing an accessibility mindset

We integrate our accessibility philosophy into the daily work of every Harness employee, fostering a culture of inclusivity.

Through these efforts, our aim is to meet the AA accessibility standard. If you encounter any accessibility issues or need further assistance with our modules, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at accessibility@harness.io.